Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Transcendent Nature

Transcendent Nature - Photography by Kurt Ross - (Journeys Through Wild Light) Adirondacks Niagara National Parks

Monday, August 25, 2003

JavaScript Kit General JavaScript Tutorials

JavaScript Kit General JavaScript Tutorials

Monday, August 04, 2003

JavaScript Debugging

// Displays the name of the function
// that just called the given function
function CallerID( func )
    // Build the regular expression to extract the name
    var re = /function (\w*)/;

    // Get the code of the caller function
    var callerFunc = func.caller.toString();

    // Extract the name of the caller function from its code
    var nameOfCaller = callerFunc.match( re )[1];

    // Display the name of the caller function
    alert( nameOfCaller );

The function above can be used to figure out what called a JavaScript function. To use it call it from the function in question and pass the function to it. For example, the code below would create an alert that displays the name of the function that called myFunc().

function myFunc()
    CallerID( myFunc);

Saturday, August 02, 2003